so as some of you guys know yesterday was my last ouchie appointment wiff the ouchie doctor. ash you can shee even if i's to go out for not so good tings i's to look full of the cutie patooty-ness just in case their ish some pawllywood agent round bout who ish looking for the next big woggie staw. i pawsonally fink i would be a great micaela and would take right ofur megan fox's spot in the next transformers movie. but whywoo thats another stowy. so we went to get my ouchie taken care of and i's to hope furry much hawd that i's to never get those evil worms again. i was furry much full of the frar-y shivers butt shince mommish was there and talking sweet nothings to me i's to calm down and trust her. so guess what???? ash some of woo may know I lucky, also known as lucky charm, better known as the wee lucky penny am sorta a daddish girl. he wuvs me so and tells me most everytime. well when we got home from the ouchie doctor he had a big o surrprrise for the wee one. my furry own magical mr froggy. !!!!!!!!
eveWEEbody please to meet magical MR froggy
. daddish shays that magical mr froggy ish full of the stardusty magicals and has healin powers from beyond the unicorn field and he's to take care of all the ouchies that his favorite girl has. that made my heart full of the warm fuzzies for my daddish and im sure all the wormies got pushed out right away.
ash you can shee i's to luv my magical mr froggy and i's feeling well furry much soon. magical mr froggy was furry much soft to lay on and he told me secret stowies of woggie fairies who fly around the unicorn fields collecting healing dust and carry them to the sparkling waterfalls where the the magical froggies are waiting to weceive their shpecial healing powers and soon are sent off on their missions to take the cares of the sick woggies such as myself they are furry impawtant to our wecovewy. my daddish knew it would help me and brings me the conforts i need and i's love my daddish for loving me.
. daddish shays that magical mr froggy ish full of the stardusty magicals and has healin powers from beyond the unicorn field and he's to take care of all the ouchies that his favorite girl has. that made my heart full of the warm fuzzies for my daddish and im sure all the wormies got pushed out right away.
wee wiggles and lucky sugars to all
division:the wee ones
Awww Sweet little , bootiful moviestawwish Lucky,
I am sooo happy that youw vettie visit is ovew. Even wif youw Mommish' sweet whispewings in youw eaws and love, it was pwobably not vewy nice. That magical MrFwoggy is soo gowgeous and special, I know youw Daddish picked him vewy specially to make you well wight away and make those howwibull wowmies nevew come back.
West up on magical MrFwoggie and get all his magical helaing powews so that you can get back to playing and getting discovewed by staw seawchews
smoochie kisses to you and othew wee woggie and all sweet pitties in youw pack
smoochie kisses
That is some Handsome Prince!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
hello lucky penny~! you most certainly MUST always dress to impress--even if you're just going to the grocery store down the street or to the chanel store in beverly hills. good job lucky~!! :D
and you are soooo cute cute with your mr. froggy. i have a boy stuffy like that(you can see him in my post)and his name is mr. jiggles. hehe.
great minds think alike~!! ;)
Hi, Lucky!
I am so happy to know you are much better now!
Sure is pawesome to have Mr Froggy close to you and sure he is working his magical things for you!
I saw the presents Frankie sent you all!
They are great!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Awwww, Lucky. You ARE so very much lucky to have a Most Wonderful daddish who would gives you magical Mr. Froggy to watch over you. You are oh-so-sweet and beautiful and I hopes all those bad wormies go away real soon!
Wiggles & Wags,
That is one giant stuffie! I hope it helps you to feel better soon!
My sweet Wee Lucky Charm.
Your daddish is the bestest to bring you a Magical Mr Froggy to take all your cares away.
I know all the specal stowies that froggie whishpered into your ear made your heart so happy and all the fears ran away.
Magical Mr Froggie looks so comfy, so you just curl up in his lap
(when your not being held by daddish)_and snuggle and get to feels better,
Wowzers! What a great Froggie! We need to tell mommers to get us one!!
~The Dachshunds & Co.
Well, that is just one of those wonderful stories!!! Thank you for sharing!
Oh so sweet!!! We hope you are feeling all better Miss Lucky!!
Mom says that last picture of you is tooooo precious! I know Mr. Froggy will keep you company on your road to recovery. What a Lucky Daddy's girl you are!!
What a wonderful froggie! Between that and your medicine I bet you are feeling much improved.
We are so glad that Mr. Froggie's healing dust is helping you feel better and better!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
awww.. you and your family is just to precious for words to describe, you have one pawesome family, hope you feel better cutie :)
p.s. what happen to the "origins" story that coco was blogging? we would love to hear the story about brinksey- winksey cutie pudding pie, or about the most beautiful precious queen herself, coco chanel!
You are very lucky your daddish loves you sooo much to get you a MAGICAL FROG!!! whoa it must be very powerful because it is very big!! We do not have a Daddish but hear they are nice.
We are glad your vetty issues are GONE! POOF!
You are a sweeeeetie and we duz lufs u(gosh why do I keep talking like scooter sometimes. I am the Einstien of dogs you know!) Mom is an RN, Thus, I am a verrry good nurse also because she has taught me so much. So if one of y;all gets hurt,or sick, please call and I will come! Scooter is extrenely excited about being a part of PTO. He is most excited about the invisable capes he is working on! Since you are new to our blog, you probably do not realize Scooter is a pilot(taught by Mom's Dad. And loves horses-seriously)
Hope you are enjoying your new house!
Feel better with all that magic!
ps look for an email from Mom.
Very strange. It is Sat 5/29 and our other comment says Sundy 5/30.....
Glad that was your last appointment.
What a nice and big stuffie!
Ah Lucky, what a cute froggy!! Your Daddish knew just what to pick for his precious girl. Mommy loved the story of the unicorn field. Did you know besides us doggies, she loves unicorns best unicorns best. She believes in the magic they bring. Our computer room has a whole bookcase of them.
Today is my first day of freedom. I've already done 4 of my goals for today (see list on yesterdsaya post).
{{{huggies}}} to every doggie, Mommish and Daddish and a special kiss for my tiger...Mona
Awww, it does look very comforting. A "get well" present, so to speak! What a nice daddish you have. Glad the ouchies are over and that you're on the road to recovery.
What a great froggy! He's just your size! And boy is he green :)
Have a great Memorial Day!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
What a wonderful Daddish you have. We can just tell that your froggie is very magical and will bring you good health and much happiness.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm so happy that was your last ouchie day, and your magical Mr. froggy is there taking care of you and keeping you company, his magic is working!!
You do look very lucky and spoiled (rightfully so) on your daddy's lap!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
That is one SUPER BIG froggy!
Miss Khyra alerted me to your froggy. Frogs are magical and I sure hope he heals u quickly miss lucky. You are lucky to have an amazing family.
Kisses to you and happy memorial day
Aww Lucky, you are lucky to have such a wonderful daddish who brought you magical mr froggy! With all his magical powers and the love you get from him and your whole family you should be doing better in no time!
Lucky, I'm so glad you're all done with the ouchies! Mr. Magical Froggy will take good care of you. He's sooooo big and he can give you great big hugs all of the time! So when Mommy and Daddy are away, Mr. Froggy will take really good care of you!
Hugs and kisses to you, sweetie!
Nice to meet the Magical Mr. Froggy. I'm quite sure that he'll bring lots of healing help to you!
Hewo all sweet Pitties and Wee ones
i hope all of you awe well and had a lovely Memowial Day and awe staying cool and comfowtable , wif lots of tweats
I miss you and am thinking of you wif love
smoochie kisses
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