okie dokie so here is a new member of their family he was found wandering one of our highways one night when they were coming home from the grocery store. long story short , being the woofie lovers that they are they picked him up and brought him home. they named him lobo which in spanish stands for wolf. he is furry tall and has the most soulful eyes.
now for your viewing pleasure. . . . SPIRIT !!!!!
patty cakes: ok lobo lookit here, you shee that flashy beast they are holding, well we has a fun game we like to play as soon as they press the finger on the button YOU LOOK AWAY.!!! tee hee hee hee
everybody weady!!!
fun was'nt it ?!?!?!?!

SPIRIT: i love this game patty cakes !!!!!!!
SPIRIT: i love this game patty cakes !!!!!!!
does i lookit cutie here ?????
what about me?!?!?!?!?!
i wanna play too lookit me???? is i handshum or what??????
we hopes that you enjoyed our easter pictures and we want you to know that wee are all okay and healfy and happish thanks you many of you who tooks the care of our mommish when we were in her belly. we fank you , WE FANK YOU!
wee pibble sugars and shepard wiggles
patty cakes,spirit and lobo
Patty Cake, Spirit, & WELCOME LOBO,
I think you have the Hang of the Flasyer Beast thingy down Patty.. ehhehe .. I made a Frankie funny.
OH MY DAWG... look how CUTE the baby two legger is.. all ready fur his FURST EASTER.
I hope you had a WONDERFUL EASTER, my dearest sweetest furends!!!
Khuties in evFURry pikhture!!!
Thanks fur sharing -
Please pass along some H&K from me fur giving Lobo a great home!
We are so glad to see pictures of da wee little pibbles. Spirit yer the spitting image of yer mommish.
And Lobo yer a very handsome fellow dere. And Patty Cakes please don't teach Lobo all bad tricks.
And our mommy says please send her that two legger.
Bobo and Meja
SQUEE! Ohmidogness! There was just TOO much cuteness in this post. From the baby bean to Spirit and Patty Cake and Lobo. And I'm awfully proud of everybuddy for knowing how to handle the flashy beast. Specially at such a young age.
I'm ever so glad you all had such a special Easter!
Wiggles & WAgs,
you guys have the cutest happiest smiling faces
Benny & Lily
It looks like everyone had a great time. Thank goodness they found Lobo! We could stare at the wee little two legger all day long; too cute :)
Joshua is such a healthy happy baby! What a big boy! And he is lucky to be born into a family that loves doggies so much that he can carry on the tradition into the next generation.
Lobo is one lucky pup indeed!!! Blessings to your family.
The Easter pictures were just wonderful we spent a long time enjoying the doggie family!
Mommish when you get a moment would you please email me your snail mail address please?? to ijoffret@gmail.com
Oh my goodness...look how big he is getting already.
Too cute!! Spirit looks just like her Mommy. Mommy is so upset, she hasn't been able to come by and cuddle with the two legger but she don't want him to get her cold. Tell him not to worry, Mommy hid his Easter stuffie so we couldn't find it.
{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Weenie
Patty Cakes and Spiwit and Lobo
Thank you thank you fow those lovely Eastew Pictoowes. You awe all sooopew adowabull and Lobo you don't even know how lucky you awe to have been found by this wondewfullest fambly
The little two legged cutie patootie cewtainly made us goo AWWWWWWWW fow quite a while and I love hew sitting in hew giwaffe chaiw. I cant believe how you'rve gwown Patty Cakes and Spiwit. You awe bo f bootiful like youw Mama Shelby. We awe so happy you wewe bowned and all healthy and happy
smoochie kisses to all of you
much love and hugses
Asta and Mommi
I love to see so much happiness.
So many furries playing together makes my heart happy
it looks like ya'll had a grrreat easter! your baby two legger is adorable with his bunny stuffie! oh, and lobo is one lucky dude to have found such a wonderific forevarrr home! :)
the booker man
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