lucky: are you the woggie pibble by the name of Mr Rico Suave Paws that all the girls has been talking about??. . .. . . .hellur.. . . . . . .hellur mr suave paws. . . . . .. hmmmm. . . . . i guess my bewooty has stunned him into the silences.. . . .. grammish can he come out to play wiff me.. . . i can show him awound the yawd and all the special places that we weeceive peemail?. . . . . . .
grammish: ummm lucky dearest, mr rico suave paws is kinda . . . .umm. . . . busy right now and is not able to walk outside. . . . . .. maybe next time . . . .. .
lucky: okay grammish i must find a nice purrty dress so i can be his yawd tour guide . . . . .
let me down grammish !!! . . . . . .. . . let me at him !!!. . . . . . . . i can take him on myself
. . . . . . . . dont just stand there all stiff mr slick paws i knows you hides wires under that pupticious hat of yours....... what woggie would wear such hat after christmas. . . . . . you cant fool us. .. . . 
wee wiggles,
Well that is some very good news!!!
So happy to hear that Shelby's surgery went well.
You are all so darn cute! :)
Dear Lucky I am so very much filled with happiness that you have given up the house pee mail delivery. It is MUCH better Outside where MANY others can read it. That is grrrrreat that you have helped your mommish out with not needing to wash the pee away daily.
You and Lucky look soooooo good to me. Did you happen to see my post the other day... It was all about the wonderful Easter thingy that you all sent me LAST YEAR!!
I am sooooo very much thrilled that Miss Shelby has had her WhoWhoectomy and now will not be worried about unplanned puppyness ever again. Such a fangtast girrrl she is.
I love you all!!!
Hey there Texas pibbles! Thanks for coming by to visit us Chicago pooches.
Hello wee ones!!! Thank you fow all that impawtant pupdate. I was pwayng hawd that Shelby would be all wight and it wowked!!!YEAHHHHH! I hope she nevew evew has any mowe ouchies and neithew do the west of you pibbles and weeones. Lucky, I know youw Mommish must appweciate youw contwibootion to helping out wif the hectic stuff at youw house . I know Tigew will be keeping an eagle eye on that Mw. wico suave Paws, so he bettew not twy to spy on any of you.
We awe sending lots of love and all my smoochies to help out wif the little two legged and youw Mama.
I hope you have a wondewful weekend at youw kissie house
smoochie kisses
Heehee!! I can't wait to find out who will win! As for Princess Shelby, your coat is a gleaming snow white and is sooo beautiful!! We are so happy you are doing good!
Sounds like things may be a bit hectic there but going pretty well. We hope your Mom is able to get some sleep with that little guy around. Thanks for the pupdate/update.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi, Lucky!
Glad to know everything goes well at home!
Good girl doing your bussiness where you must do it!
Happy to know about Shelby!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Great news. Your pictures are adorable
Benny & Lily
Sometimes it does take time to get used to new happenings in homes
i am happy Shelby is okay.
hihi miss lucky!
thankies for your pupdate!!
that is so super duper nice of you to leave your pee mail outside to help your mama out. heehee.
me and asa and mama are so so so so happy happy joy joy to hear that miss shelby is doin' grrreat after her whowhoectomy! she is lookin' so pretty like!
oh, and i think tiger might be right. i woofed before, and i'll woof it again...there's somethingie totally fishy about that mr. rico suave paws. hmmmm...
the booker man
Shelby looks wonderful!!! xoxo
Oh, Lucky, you are very, VERY good girl to helps your mommish that way by not tinkling on the carpets. But I haves to admit, that's a pretty good joke. Heehee!
Miss Shelby, I am full of the wiggles to know that you are done with your ouchies and you can just lives your life being all happy and comfy and with plenty of food and a family what luvs you. Big, BIG pibble smoochies to you, my dear furend!
Wiggles & Wags,
What beautiful doggies. We are so happy Shelby will now have a good life.
Hi! I'm glad the surgery went well!
I know how busy you can be with a new little one in the me!
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