we has someping of the strangeness going on in the woggie pibble house
a crime some may call it
it all started wiff this torture below
please be awares that the picture is graphic in nature
she looks mighty mad to be getting a baff
are those eyes of revenge you guys??
are those eyes sheaming someping evil?
could she be possible of pay backs?????
when the mommish and grannish took the coco chanel insides and brought out guero the model someping occured
evidence picture below number one.......... also below is a picture furry pupticious of mr rico suave we noticed that the santa hat was moved and looked a dusty wiff the white dust ..........hmmmmm.......
It's scandalous! Sam will gladly share the number of his lawyer!
Majesty, your instincts are spot on. Don't say a word, don't admit anything. Never confess. Looks like a most specious case of circumstantial evidence. Where are the eyewitnesses? The forensic evidence? The video tape? Were you read your rights before questioning? Your palace is full of possible suspects. In cases like this, we prefer to blame large kitchen mice. Or cats. Abby is, of course, honored to offer her services as attorney and counselor at law to such an eminent personage as Your Royal Highness.
Jed & Abby the Legal Beagle[mix] Extraordinaire
Okay... you have Abby Beagle Mix at Law all set up.
I will send Sarge, Blogville's Chief of Police to insniffigate. He will get to the bottom of this.
AND... Remington is Blogville's Judge.. he will be TOTALLY FAIR.
I am suspecting an invasion of SQUIRRELS.
YOU, Queen Coco Chanel would NEVER do something like THAT.
Saving your toots fur a Full Fledged GAS ATTACK is your style.
I also want to say that I am glad that you warned us about the TERRIBLE TORTURE Picture. Hideous Treatment!!! It DESERVES to be Revenged fur SURE. Hold it until it is at its MOST POTENT!!
Okay Queen C.C., I have sent word to Sarge, Chief of Blogville Police. He will begin a very through insniffigation of this hideous situation. You follow your attorney's advice while Sarge does his work.
You are now in Good Paws.
I (Mayor of Blogville, Frankie Furter) will be More than glad to be a Character Witness fur you.
Never look guilty, Coco! Always project the aura of innocence!
Ut-oh! Parker and Skye don't know much about mysteries, but they have advised me not to pick sides. For once, I think I'll agree with them!
Between FRankie, Jeb, and Abby, we are sure this case will be tossed out - what a terrible thing to be doing to you - the shame of it all!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I know that you are NOT guilty!
Not for a second I think you are guilty of anything!
Hmmm.... I am sure a whole investigation will find out what really happened!
Happy saturday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs
Sorry Coco, but you are so busted!!!!!!!!!
we had that torture today too
Benny & Lily
Hey Queen Coco!
Wow, I'm on the case. Tomorrow I'll go public with my investigation and hand over the evidence to Abby, Legal Beagle at Paw.
Grr and Working Woof,
Sarge, COP
Oh my goodness...I think you have been framed. Good thing you have some lawyers lined up already.
Surely this wasn't you! I suspect a large hungry rat was trying to burrow into your house. yup. That's it.
Oh boy! Well, whoever did it will have to confess sooner or later.
miss coco chanel!
it's totally a-okay cuz sarge 'n miss zona figured it all out! it was those evil squirrels!
the booker man
pee s -- why, yuppers, i do give the singin' lessons. teehee.
Hi there!!
It is fery mean when the hu-mans give us a baff. But the good fing is - then we has to get dry. Which is the bit I like fery much, so I can put up wif the baff bit.
I am sure that you would not make a hole like that. No doggie would. I fink it must be a fery big rat wif lots of sharp teefs, not a poor innocent doggie like you.
I hope you find that villian soon.
Slobbers & woofs from Ruger
Hummmmmm I wonder why this popped up again? Are you still under insniffigation. I thought that Sarge had cleared you!!
I highly suspect that you have been infiltrated with skwhirls! Yes, skwhirls, I say! Filthy, nasty tree rats!
That is the only pawsible conclusion to draw!!
I'll be sleeping with one eye open from here on out. It's apparent these skwhirls will stop at nothing!
xo - HoneyBuzz
But you are so glowing now!
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