did you know that july 3rd was the day i was wescued and my new amazing life began? its going to be one year soon and i cant wait to celebrate... does anyone has any idea how i can do that? im new to the bloggy world as you know but i want to be able to celbrate wiff all of you. if you have any ideas please peemail me at thehoustonpittiepackATyahooDOTcom.i leave you wiff this furry impawtant poster of furry deep words full of the ponderments.
We're so happy you found the new home you deserve and rescued your family. ;) You need to have a big pawty for sure!
Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Edgrr.
OH SHELBY!!! Almost a YEAR???? I can not believe that these days have flown by so quickly.
Since it is soooo close to July 4th and all... how about a Red White and BLUE Picnic Pawty!!!!!?????
I think you need a big celebration!
That is wonderful Shelby! I agree with the Two Pitties. You need a big celebration indeed! You deserve it! And I can't believe Patrick looks GREAT now! I remember the picture of him when he got rescued. The poor pup was literally just skin & bones. I am so happy to know he was rescued & is now living a good & happy life.
I tank dog that you wewe wescood by youw most wondewful family and now know twoo love and good health. I wead that postew and could hawdly contain my sadness at the unfaiwness of the wowld.
I think a gwaet big picknicky pawty wif lots of nummies and games would be pawsome.
would you like a viwtooal pawty??
That's what we do sometimes in bloggieland.
Anyway you decide. It's going to be a glowious day
smoochie kisses to all of you at the pittie kissie house
I think you should take a trip and visit all your bloggy friends! I'm sure they all have cookies to share!
Hey Shelby!
Wow, I think Blogville is party central!!! We really know how to throw a bash. Pip is having a Superhero party on Monday if you want to check it out and see how to do it up right...Pip's the best. I think Asta's picnic idea is super! July 4th would be a great time for that.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Of course there must be a celebration.
I read the poster too,, and my eyes had tear drops
Time for to pawty!!!!
We are just so glad you are doing so great Shelby!
I am not good with ideas for parties but I know I want to be with you to celebrate the first year of your new life!
Happy weekend to all of you!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Shelby! I read all about you on Mona's blog and have been following your story ever since. I can't believe it's been almost a full year! Wow, a lot has happened in that year, hasn't it?
You got rescued, you had babies and you're looking so much better these days.
Thanks for joining in my Third Annual Doggone Dog Swap. It's going to be lots of fun.
Almost your first Gotcha Day! Definitely a party occasion. What would YOU like the most?
Jed & Abby
How cool, can't believe it has been a year already. Maybe you can collect comments for a donation to Pibble rescue or something?
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