Monday, January 30, 2012

visit from the fearless five

howdy all doggies and kitties
the brinksey winksey pudding and pie here wiff a most exciteable event to tell......
so we begins wiff the middle of the night as many of you may know our mommish does not like this time of the day as she gets the shivery fears wiff the panics.....we try out berry best to soothe her but sometimes its not enough fing that you guys are out here cause only your most funnish and loveable stories be helping chase away the panic monster......
anywoo, so last night mommish was trying to go nite nite tooty sleep.....after about 30 minutes as she was going to doze off she heard the wee two legger Jr (or as we call me pookie bear) start to move.....he was giggling a bit and squirming but had the biggest smile ever to be!!!!! so my mommish continued to watch as she was enjoying his giggles then all of a sudden he wakes up and start laughing......mommish does not move just watches.......he is staring up at the ceiling and giggling some he is pawing at the ceiling and moving his head back and forth to the left and the right and giggle.....he was staring at something moving and making him laugh....sometimes he would close his eyes and kind of tuck his neck in as if someone was snuzzling him or tickling behing his ears.....this continued for a good long five minutes....mommish just stared not wanting to move and disrupt the amazing thing that was happening.....mommish especially loves him grabbing and pawing at something in the air with the look of pure joy an happiness as if he could see something most wonderful.....after a while he turned to the side and continued to giggle softly and then he closed his eyes and fell you must know the wee two legger DOES NOT fall asleep on his own EVER....he always has mommish rock him back to sleep in the middle of the night but mommish felt and inmmense sense of calm that she can not describe take over her and for the first time in a long time she fell asleep hugging the two legger and did'nt wake up until morning time with NO PANIC ATTACK.
mommish knows in her heart that what she witnessed was amazing and unbeleiveable as she knows in her heart that the fearless five came to visit us.....she now fully beleives they are okay and will always be with us to love on us, and protect us as they did that terrible as we all go tooty nite nite tonight we will say goodnite to the fearless five and let them watch over us as we sleep ....our preciuos fearless angels of protection..... we love you .... we feel you.....we hold you close through our pain......


Southbaygirl said...

The fearless five will always be with you and they were with you last night...what a wonderful thing!!!!!!

Penny, velcro, ceilidh, jack Sparrow and the kittie Blossom and Skye.....


Donna said...

Dat is very sweet! :) {{{Hug}}}

JacksDad said...

You know what? I think your mom is 100% right!

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

WOW! how nice is that?

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh Brinksey this makes me feel better for your Mommish. I am going to tell you something now that I don't share with many people but when my son was a tiny boy he must have been about 3 I woke up in the night to hear him chatting away to someone. He seemed happy enough so I just left him to it rather than disturb his chattering ( which I thought at the time was him chattering to his teddies and the fun animals painted on his bedroom walls ). But the next day I asked him about it and he told me he was talking to the big lady who visited. So puzzled I asked him what she looked like and he described my grandmother perfectly. My Gran died when I was 12 and she was the most important person in the world to me, my son had never seen photos of her or anything so I just knew it was my most fantastic Gran watching over my son and it made me so happy,
I have doubt in my mind that The Fearless Five will always watch over your Mommish and the family and they will no doubt keep an extra close watch over Pookie Bear.
What a lucky boy he is to have five such amazing guardian angels to watch over him through his life.
Children are much more susceptive to seeing their angels than us adults are something I rather envy but though we adults may not see them we can certainly feel them when they are near. At the moment things are still to raw for your Mommish maybe for her to feel when they are near but hopefully this will help her to feel them now.
With all my love
Momma Tea
xxx xxx
PeeS . Sorry for such a long winded comment

HoundDogMom said...

What a great way to start my Monday. We are so glad that the fearless five came to play with pookie bear and to show your family that they are doing okay. It must have been so precious to sit and watch things unfold last night with your little one and the angels that came to visit him. Thanks for sharing. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We know your mommy is right ~ your brave guardian angels will always look after you. xxxxx

Princess Patches said...

What a great visit! The fearless five is definitely watching over you!


Lovable Lily said...

"There ARE Angels among us!"

I'm so happy to hear that the Fearless Five Angels came by to let you know that they are all safe.

Thank's for warming all of our hearts this morning!!

Lily Belle

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am so very much glad that your mommish was awake to see the visit Brinks. She NEEDED to See in order to Believe. Peeps don't have the Faith that WE do.

Now I think that your mommish will be able to Sleep Peacefully EVERY night.

Ina in Alaska said...

I totally believe the Fearless Five were there!!

A few months after my late Suzie (looked like Jeter) crossed, one night while all was quiet in the house I heard Suzie's bark in the hall just outside my bedroom. It was her. Never heard her again but I truly believe they are near us.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Oh how comforting! See? They'll always be around you as your guardian angel pitties! How very cool the mommish got to see that. It should help her a lot. It made the little one very happy, too, and that was really sweet.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Ahhh nice
Benny & Lily

H Ski said...

How amazing!! So happy you had a night without a panic attack. Your babies are still looking out for you and will always be with you!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

This is so wonderful. We know this really does happen because similar things have happened to us. Our babies at the Bridge really do come back to visit.

LP said...

That is an amazing story! I had to put my very sick dog down a long time ago.The doggie was only five years old so I was tormented about it. One night not long after I had her put down, I was awakened by something and suddenly I saw my beloved, angel doggie grinning at me and then I felt surrounded by joy and love and happiness.A feeling of wellbeing consumed me.It was as if my sweet girl was telling me she was alright, and that she would always watch over me.I'll never forget it!
What a lovely gift you and your son were given from the universe.

the critters in The Cottage and their Mama XOXO

Sam said...

I'm glad they came to visit you. It's clear that their spirits will always live on, and they will be with you, to comfort you and stand by you, in everything that you do.

Dachshund Nola said...

I think your mom is right!
Dachshund Nola

Scooter said...

Oh neat!! I believe they were there. A little over a yr ago, my son in law lost his dad and they were very close. They called him Papa Butch. My grandson (Zac) is 2 yrs and he will wake up at night giggling and talking to Papa Butch.

They have Papa butch's recliner in Zacs room and sometimes when he is in the hallway, he will look in his room, hold up his arms and Say Hi papa!! He says he sees Papa Butch sitting in the recliner. This really helped my son in law to know that is dad is watching over them.

They were going to sell the recliner but not anymore!! The fearless 5 will always watch over you!!

Jazzi and Addy

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We agree wif your mom too. Da fearless five came to visit your pookie bear. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Tucker said...

I is sending Dane kissed to Pookie Bear - he is too cute!

woof - Tucker

PeeS - Does Miss Bella have a date for the Valentines Day Pawty yet?

The Daily Pip said...

The fearless five is absolutely watching over all of you! They love you and will always protect you. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story with all of us ...

Your pal,Pip

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We totally believe in this visit, too. We're glad you and your son experienced it and know that you will always be watched over with great love. We don't comment often, but we think of you often and with love.

Jed & Abby

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What an amazing story! Its true!
The fearless 5 were there!
I feel so much love from this blog.
The fearless 5 is surrounding you!

Maureen said...

I believe, my dear friends.

I believe.

Buckets of love, HoneyBuzz

Duke said...

We absolutely believe and we know that the fearless five are watching over all of you forever and ever.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and angel Maggie

Tucker said...

Miss Bella, I is honored that you will go to the Valentine Pawty wif me! Your Momma just needs to send a picture to purple DOT tidalwave AT gmail DOT com to be in the kissing booth and to enter valentine Queen.

I is very excited!

Dane Kisses,

pibble said...

YAY! I just knew they were watching over you and they would visit sooner or later! I'm so glad that you're feeling them with you now and you have found peace. It must feel good to know you're safe with them watching over you, especially the Two Legger (who is so cute!!!!).

Nubbin' Tails said...

How perfectly wonderful! I'm sure you all will sleep much better, not that you are sure of what we all knew! That you Angels are keeping watch!


Mr. Nubbin'

Carol said...

What a beautiful story, just amazing.

The silvers and more

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope every night becomes a peaceful night's sleep. Loved the story.

Anonymous said...

that is the most amazing story! I truly believe they came to visit to not only visit the two legger and let you know they are ok, but to help YOU with your panic attacks, and tell YOU to be fearless also!! As someone who suffers with panic attacks as well, I know how scary they can be. Just be sure to not be so hard on yourself and give yourself time to work through everything you have gone through in the last few months. This is a perfectly natural reaction to a traumatic life experience. When you feel panicky, remember this memory, and think of the Fearless Five surrounding you, barking away the panic monster!!

Winston said...

OMD, I have shivers all over my arms! Your Guardian Angel Pups are watching over you, that must give you so much comfort!

Winston, Chloe, Cecil
And Mom Shawn

Bailey said...

We all believe you are right!! You have the sweetest angels watching over you all. :)

Woofs & hugs, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

ForPetsSake said...

I read this beautiful post a couple of days ago, but was at work so I didn't have time to comment.
What an amazing experience! They are with you at every moment, of every day, just as they were in the living plane. I really believe there are souls all around us, keeping by us when we need them. Hold your little one close and feel their magic! Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments with us.

Nibs said...

That is amazing! What a beautiful visit! xxxxxxx

Two Pitties in the City said...

This is the most wonderful thing. I had chills when reading it, and it must be a great feeling knowing they really are watching over you.

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

That gave me chills as i read it. Just as we promised you...your Fearless 5 are right there...looking after you...and now...finally able to comfort you by letting their presence known.

<3 L & The Girls

Zona said...

I know this is an old post but my laptop has had the sickies so I've only been reading on my iPaw and can't figure out how to comment from there!!! Argh! I just HAD to come back to this old post now that I have my laptop back... Thank you so much for sharing this with us. What an amazing and comforting experience. I always knew The Fearless Five were watching over all of you. :)
