the bella here wiff my love post for all to see....this is me feeling most pretty and i hopes ya'll like my bow. mommish says it brings out the pink eyeliner i wear to look most girly like. now you guys and girls i has been practising my groove moves for the big dance and have picked out the highest pibble heels i could find....i likes my men big and tall and my lovedance boyfriend is both! wiffout further adoo doo please to meet TUCKER the great dane!!!
please to gaze upon this manly pup full of the handsomeness......
this most regal and stunning mandoggy is my valentines date. his name is tucker or as i like to call him my studmuffin....lovecake....amongs other sweet pibble words ..... he most steal my heart for me and i adores him.....he shall escort me to the big lovedance and we shall dance the night away.....our angels will watch over all of us and blogville will be full of the warm fuzzy love bugs. until the big day i shall be prepping my prettyness ....
ladylike tail wiggles and pibble sugars
Aww congrats on your handsome date Bella!
Dachshund Nola
Hi Bella,
Can't wait to see you and Tucker at the pawty! I am looking forward to going with Brinksey Winksey so I am sure I will see you there too.
Bella you look most pretty in that pink hairband.
We think you will be the Bella of the Ball.
Your date Tucker is most handsome!
Have lots of fun!
Enjoy the date ~ and feel the love that is all around you all, courtesy of your Bridge-Angels. xx
Bella I is so very ready for our date tomorrow. I gets a baff tonight to prepare.
woof - Tucker
How beautiful Bella, and such a very handsome date you have there! Have a great time at the dance and remember to ALWAYS be a lady.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Lily Belle
Holy Gwalk A Moley Princess Bella.. TUCKER is gonna WILLINGLY take a Baff fur your date. WhooooHooooo that boy is gonna show you a grrrreat time fur sure!!!
You are gonna make a BEAUTIFUL couple.
You two make such a wonder-fur couple. See ya at da dance!
Yoo two is goin to bee da most handsome couples dere , wee cants wait too see yoo both dere.
nice date you have there
Benny & Lily
Oh, I LUVS Tucker and the two of you will make a Most Striking pair at the dance! YOu looks GAWJUSS in your pretty pink bow. But I don't know if Tucker's gonna be able to dance cuz his knees will prolly go all wobbly every time he looks at your Most Beautiful self.
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh Bella, you look absolutely beautiful! Tucker is a wonderful guy, but save a dance for me!
Your pal, Pip
Bella you are so lovely and sweet. Tucker is one lucky dude! Have fun at the dance.It looks as though love will definitely be in the air :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
I see a big wet kiss coming.♥
Party like the big dogs and have lots of fun.
And don't drink the toilet water.
♥ Cinnamon
Bella, you are looking lovely!!
And your studmuffin Tucker- wow- what a hunk! Your a cute couple!
I know you will have a wonderful time!
Happy Valentines Day
Bella doesn't need to prep her prettiness, she's already beautiful! Brinksey's love rolls are absolutely adorable too.
You two make a stunning couple. Have a most wonderful time at the dance.
Jed & Abby
You look beautiful Bella and your date is so handsome!
Happy Valentines Day!
In french I say : Belle Bella ! and : Bonne fête de Saint Valentin !
You look gorgeous Bella, the hair band is sublime
You and Tucker make such a beOOtiful couple! Did you have a good time at da pawty?
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
You make an awesome couple! Wasn't the party fun!
What a hunk!! Happy belated Valentines!
he's a llucky dog to have u u look so pretty bella!! :)
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