pibble mommish here wiff some sad news
im sorry this blog has been so increadibly depressing as of late and i do try my very best to post happy making posts but sometimes life just throws stuff at us that we must endure. as you know i use this blog as a gateway for my ongoing grief and to process my day to day ups and downs with life without my fearless five.....our next bloggy will be most happy making i promise. bella and brinks will talk about what a great fun time they had at the valentines dance with their respective gorgeous dates but today i want to take a moment and dedicate this post to a very special doggie named SUGAR.
sugar was a doggie i rescued about five years ago...another pibble i came across in the streets. her case was not unusual for me....she was emaciated, terrified, and confused....from the minute that we rescued her she wanted nothing more than to give us kisses.....so she earned her name ....SUGAR....hers were the sweetest pibble kisses you can ask for.....she won the heart of my very best friend and when she bought her own house out in the country the first thing she did was come pick up her sugar. her husband a cop paraded sugar all around that small town of Anderson Texas and the whole family spoke to anyone who would listen about what a wonderful pibble she was......
DARIO her son was 8 months old when sugar adopted her family and they were inseparable....sugar was entrusted to sleep on his bed every night.... her mommy told me yesterday that she was her son's guardian angel from the very beginning......dario's dad will always tell the story of a strange man in a pickup truck asking his son to come get some candy from him a couple of years ago while he mowed the lawn....sugar immediately sensed the danger and grabbed dario by the back of his shorts with her mouth and dragged him in the gate... she then ran up to the truck and continued to furiously bark at the man.....my best friend saw all this through the kitchen window and ran outside by the time she got to the door the man in the pickup truck sped off... her husband ran to the front yard and asked what was going on and little dario told them that the man in the blue truck wanted to give him candy and for him to get in so he can pick one out...but mean ol sugar had pulled him in the yard and scared the man off......well needless to say mean ol sugar had probably saved his life and my best friend and her husband will never forget what sugar did that day for their little boy......
today i took the day off to go with my best friend to let sugar go.....she will be greeted at the bridge by the very best pibble committee in the world. my fearless five will shower her with sugars and welcome her home.....you see.....two days ago my best friend took sugar to the doctor and was told that she has a very advanced form of liver cancer.....to the point that its incurable....she was in so much pain and would have no quality of life anymore they had to make the tough decision we all hate to make....my best friend said she knew when she looked into her eyes that it was the right decision.....words cannot express how her son cried uncontrollably and held on to sugar that afternoon.....my heart broke over and over watching his pain because he was showing what i haven't been able to show all these weeks for my fearless five.....my best friend tried to tell him that sugar will still be with him everyday and every minute just as she always has been but the pain a dog like sugar leaves in her absence is enormous....
so my best friend took HER best friend today to the vet for the last time...and although it was the most painful thing she has ever had to do she stood there and held sugars hand and thank her softly in her ear for all she had given to her family the last five years.....
so this picture below is for sugar , my fearless five and all those who have been taken much too soon from us who loved them with all our broken hearts.....

so this picture below is for sugar , my fearless five and all those who have been taken much too soon from us who loved them with all our broken hearts.....
Ohh Run Free wivs Da Fearless Five, Angel Molly, Angel Richie n all ovs our deer furiends dat havs crossed ova Gawjuss Sugar. Dere bee no pain at da bridge n yoo can comes visits yor luvved ones anytimes yoo wants. Wee will watch outs fur yoo twinklin in da nite sky wivs all our ova luvved ones.
Uji, Izzy, Ronnii n Momma Tea
xxxx xxxx
Crying so hard now. Fun free sweet Sugar, run free
Dachshund Nola
So many tears for Sugar and her family. I know it was so hard to say good-bye. But she will be watching over her family from the Bridge - just as she did in life. My heart goes out to them - and to you - in this very sad time. I know that the Fearless Five will take such good care of their sweet new pack members.
Hugs to all of you,
Sweet sugar, what a sweet pup. We have a speculation place in our hearts for dogs who protect their kids. I'm sorry that she is gone :( thanks sharing her story.
This was a beautiful post for Sugar. Thanks for telling Sugars story, my heart breaks for you and her family.
The Bridge gained another special angel today!
This is the price we pay for loving them and it is so hard to let them go, but what love and joy they give us while they are here. Sending pawhugs to you and your friend.
Oh my gosh, what a beautiful story. Sugar is definitely Dario's angel and she always will be watching over him. I am so sorry you have to experience another loss. We are sending you lots of love and support.
Your pal, Pip
Awww, so sorry to hear about you and your friends' loss. It sounds like Sugar was an amazing girl. Thank you for letting us get to know her! <3
I've had to do that in my life. It is heart wrenching and sad. But knowing you have saved your dear one from excruciating pain, that is heart healing. YOU know that Sugar will always be just a breath away, just like your Fearless Five.
Haven't you felt that yet?? Tell your friend!!
Heartbreaking. Again. I am so so sorry Sugar got sick & had to go to Heaven but she had a wonderful home & knew she was loved. I am so happy you were with your best friend as she made the difficult decision & stayed with Sugar as she went off to join the Fearless Five.
Please extend our deepest sympathy to Sugar's family& hugs to you, Sandra xoxo
I'm glad she had a good life for the last five years. And you were a big part of that!
My heart is breaking for Sugars family,just as it has for yours.
You are a golden friend to go with your friend today to the vet and to make sure a hard decision.
This decision was very unselfish for them in knowing their heart would break, but Sugar would be set free.
Yes, Sugar is met by the Fearless Five.
After reading this story, Sugar's memory will live on forever for her bravery too. What a brave dog.
I am sorry you also had to go through this sadness- what a friend you are not just to furries but to humans. A true friend.
What a sad time. Sugar surely is an Angel. Through our tears, our hearts go out to your best friend and their family. I am glad that you could be there with her. Sugar will be greeted by your 5 and will run free and be happy. Sugar will always be with them in Spirit!!
Diana, Jazzi and Addy
Awesome tribute to an awesome dog! Our thoughts are with her family.
Sam and Pippen
Big hugs to that little boy and his family.
Sure Sugar is in heaven
I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Sugar leaving for the bridge. You and your friend gave her the best years a dog could ask for and it sounds like she paid it back in full.
Love to you and yours,
Fly free sweet angel Sugar. Your family will see you on the other side -- and what a joyful reunion that will be!
Bowing my head and crossing my paws - HoneyBuzz
We're so very sorry for the loss of Sugar. She represented the very best characteristics of her breed and indeed of all doggies. We know she'll be remembered here with love and greeted at the Bridge with love.
A few of us have started a new blog to honor pets who have crossed the Bridge. It is not necessary to have a blog in order to participate. Please take a look at our site and tell your friend, if you think she would allow us to honor Sugar when the February crossings are posted. It's www.ourrainbowfriends.blogspot.com.
Jed & Abby
I am so very, very sorry.
Run free, Sugar. My Maggie will be right there to greet you at the Rainbow Bridge.
Love ya lots
Its sad, but in a way its also a lovely story. Sugar cold have easily died five years ago. How wonderful that she had five years full of love.
Urban Hounds
Thank you for rescuing Sugar. I'm so glad she went to a family that loved her so much. I'm sorry for their loss. They did the right thing for Sugar. She will always be with them.
Love, Cupcake
God Speed, beloved Sugar.
And yet another heartbreaking loss. We are so sorry to hear about Sugar. The right decision was made for her so she wouldn't suffer, but those who love her are now feeling the pain. Take comfort in knowing that she is still there and watching over her family and friends from above.
Gosh my heart goes out to you and this family. All I can say is thank goodness for people like you who have hearts as big as buckets.. Much love to and that family.
Gina Hams, Jane, Lizzy and @enry.
When I am gone, release me let me go.
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn't tie yourself to me with tears, Be happy we had so many years.
I gave you my love, You can only guess how much love you gave me.
Run Free Sugar.
♥ Cinnamon
so sorry:(
Praying for a safe journey home to Heaven for Sugar. We share in your sorrow.
Lily Belle
Since it has been raining here.. I though I was hearing THUNDER.. I now know it was the sound of all those paws racing to the bridge to WELCOME Angel SUGAR.
Run Free and Fast... Sugar.
Your work here is finished and now you can relax and enjoy your much deserved reward.
So sad to hear this. Sugar sounds like an amazing dog. I always feels dogs can sense things we cannot, and there is proof in this story. Your fearless five will welcome her and shower her with love.
So very sorry. Mom wonders when the joy and goodness will come to you and yours. Enough of the sadness. Make it go away!
woos, Tessa
We understand the pain that comes with having to make the decision to say goodbye. Sugar is no longer in pain and that the most important. Our hearts are wif you all.
woof - tucker
Run free Sugar
Benny & Lily
So sad. So sorry. So grateful for angel wings and for memories that will last forever.
Jake and Fergi
What an angel Sugaw was all hew life, a twoo blessing to hew family. We know it must bweak youw best fwiends's heawt and hew little son's too to say fawewell fow now, but like you said, sweet Sugaw will keep loving them and looking down fwom heaven. I know she feels the love that it took to let hew go and put an end to pain. It was hew families bwave gift to hew.
She will be celebwated and gweeted wif love and joy by youw feewless five and all ouw angels
Fly wif ouw love Sugaw
Smoochie kisses
Asta and Mommi
So sad....
Awe, your blog had me in tears and sometimes life isnt fair but sugar will run pain free at the bridge now
Dario now has a very special angel watching over him from above in the same way she watched over him here on earth. Rest in peace sweet Sugar.I'm sorry you have to experience more sadness Sandra but we know your five angels will welcome sweet Sugar and take good care of her.Please send our love over to Sugar's family.
the critters in The Cottage xo
What a truly beautiful spirit Sugar was while on earth ~ and now Sugar will be a wonderful Angel. Thanks you and your friend so much for caring for Sugar, when other failed. xxxx
Those final journeys to the vet are always so full of heartbreak. But we are glad also, that Sugar was loved so very much and clearly loved back even more. Run Free, Beautiful Girl.
Oh, gosh, what a wonderful tribute to Sugar, a priceless friend. These are the memories we cherish forever. What a special girl! Dario and his family were so lucky to have been part of Sugar's life, and vice-versa. Now it's time for her to rest until they meet again.
I'm so sorry for your loss, and your friend's loss of Sugar. She was an amazing dog, as were your fearless five. Hopefully knowing they will all be together now helps ease the pain a little.
we tagged u in a game to play along wif! :)
So sorry to hear this, what a beautiful story about a beautiful dog! Run with the angels sweet Sugar!
We have an award for Pitty Pack on either Tucker or Lola's blog today.
This is a beautiful story and a sad one all wrapped up in one. I hope my Springer Spaniel we let go to the bridge several years ago meets her with open paws. Bless this family and bless Sugar.
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