here are this weeks vintage pibble photos

and we panks you vewy much cocorue for being so furry kind and passing it on to ush we feel so furry happy. you made our pibble day when we sees it.
now we would likes to pass it on to a furry shpecial woggie we had the blessing to meet recently. his name is maxdog from south africa and he just warms our hearts
sweet max we pray for you every night with all our pibble hearts , mommish lights a candle just for you . we wish you most happiness and sugars for as long as you may bless ush with your precense.we send you lots of pibble sugars from all the way here in houston tx,
guero, coco chanel, brinks, bella and lucky
awwww, the pics are so beautiful
you are very welcome to the award and we know how happy Maxi will be to receive it from you
Max is SOOOO the sprinkles on our khupkhakes!
Khongrats to all of woo!
Thanks fur sharing those khool vintage pikhs!
that awards is cute!!!
that vintage stuff is coool
Sanne is looking if there are maby vintage photo of our kind? :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Hey guys
Thank you so much for your prayers and continuous support.
(We love your vintage photos!)
Those are great pictures and it was sweet of you to share with Max! He's a great guy!
The vintage pics are grrrreat. Do you suppose that boy is trying to Paper Train???
Hope you all have a snooper dooper day!!!
I love vintage pictures, those are wonderful thanks for sharing and congrats on your award!
"..happiness and sugars"... what a sweet and lovely thought! We are going to borrow your nice idea and light a candle for sweet Max if you don't mind.... sweet poodle snuggies to all the Pibbles... Toby, Ginger, Jeter & Halle xoxo
We love the vintage photos too, especially the second one!
The Puppies
I like how they show them with kids. How can they say pitbulls aren't family friendly?
Congratulations, and way to pass it on to our Max :) I loved the bottom vintage photo.
Congrats on teh award! And that is great that you passed it on to Max - our mom worrys about him every day and checks his blog a lot. We bet this will make him very happy!!
Love the pictures! :-)
We are praying fur Max too. He is such a good friend and an inspiration.
And we are VERY GLAD your daddish is back at home wiff you!!!
awe you are like the sprinkles on a cupcake :)
Congrats on your award!
cool pictures! we don't think we were born yet
Benny & Lily
Congratualtions on your award- and so pawsome to pass that onto Max.
Thank you for sharing the vintage photos
The pictures are beautiful!
Congratulations on your Award!
Max deserves it too!
Kisses and hugs
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