Wednesday, February 10, 2010

worry wednesday

hewo everyfurry thish ish the houston pittie pack here , we are shad to inform you guys that our most lovable daddish ish in the hoshpital. he has the sickies called diabeties and he got sicky in the middle of the night and mommish drove him to the 911 and we are furry worried.

please to say woggie prayers for our daddish and we shall wait patiently at home for him to come back.
the will keep him in what is called an ICU for now and are taking cares of him round the clock to try to control his sugar he hopes he will be
wiff ush vewy soon , we sure mish our daddish , especially LUCKY she was wooking for him eveyfurry where this afternoon and that made our mommish cry. lucky will just have to snuggle wiff ush and all 5 of ush will keep mommish warm tonight and give her lots of pibble sugars until morning when she goes back to see daddish.
we'll be sending her lots of kishess for him in hopes he gets better wiff our sugars

in the mean time if we dont post for a day or so and comment late on your posts until nighty time pibble please forgive ush. mommish wants you guys to know that your posts brings smiles to her face throught this time of worry and it brightens her day to wead of your adventures.

sad sniffles and worry wags
the houston pittie pack
guero,coco chanel, brinks , bella and lucky


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm glad woo explained what was up -

Your khomment started us worrying -

Paws khrossed the professionals will get his diabetes bakhk in chekhk -

PeeEssWoo: Don't sweat the blogs - it is more important to take khare of each other!

Kapitein Haakje said...

ooooooh our sweet doggy's
we praying and hoping he gets better

lots and lots and lots of hugs and
El'bow & Hauwii

D.K. Wall said...

The blogs can all wait - take care of your dad. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

houndstooth said...

Oh, that is very scary and worrisome! Of course we understand that taking care of your dad is most important. Grandma has that same disease, so we know a bit about it. Hopefully they get your dad's sugar fixed soon and he'll be able to rest at home with you!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh No!! I am so very much sad and worried. I will cross my paws that your dadish gets to come home very much quick. Just give him Love licks and not the suger part. Ok? We will all be waiting to hear how things are going. Don't worry about US. We will do the worry thingy for YOU. Love to all.

Anonymous said...

Lots of thoughts and prayers for your daddy! He's in the best place to get fixed up. He'll be home before you know it! If you need basset snuggles, just let us know!

Flash & Ollie

Rescued Pittie Family said...

I am so sorry! We will be waiting patiently for news and praying all day.
I am so sorry pibbles; your daddy will be home soon and I'm sure he misses you like crazy.
Be strong and be good for your mommy.
Make sure to give her extra loves and kisses too.

The Krabachers

Mack said...

Oh no - we are saying a special prayer for your daddy. We hope he is out of the hospital ASAP. Let us know if we can help in any way.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh no this is not happy news! We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to your dad - we hope he is home with you soon! We are also sending some comforting purrs and prayers to you all and your mom - tell her not to worry about visiting or posting - we all (all us out here, not just me & the kitties) totally understand - she has more important things to take care of right now!

Kari in Alaska said...

oh no! He is in our thoughts and we hope he gets better soon

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh no...we will keep all our paws crossed for pop pop
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

The ICU? This sounds serious. At first I thought you were going to tell us he got an overdose of sugar from his new girl. Darn! I'm so sorry and so worried now. Please, drop a line wheneeeeever you get a chance. Doesn't have to be a full post. "Daddish ok" will suffice. Stay strong!

Two Pitties in the City said...

We're all thinking of you. We hope he gets better soon!

Bijou said...

We will be thinking of you and hoping your dad will be all better soon.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sending healing thoughts and prayers your way for fast healing for your Daddy!!

Dory and the Mama

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

WE are so sorry to hear that your Dad is sick. But he is in the best place to get good care. Our paws are crossed and Mom is saying some prayers for him to get better. Thank you also for the very lovely Valentine's Day card = we are going to try to get a post up about it soon.

Hugs, Phantom and Thunder

The Puppies said...

We just rolled over here from Mack's website and while we don't know y'all, we wanted to say we hope your Dad gets better!!! I am sure he is just as ready to come home to you guys, since you're such a cute bunch of pups!
The Puppies

Tucker said...

Oh no! I hope you daddy gets home very soon! My grampy has diabetes and so does my oldest kitty brother.

Diabetes can be scary, oldest kitty brother's sugar dropped to 13 once! He couldn't walk and Momma & Dad rushed him to the Kitty emergency.

woof - Tucker

Sagira said...

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that. Your daddy is in our thoughts. Hurry home!

Joe Stains said...

Oh no! We are sending lots of healing vibes to your Dad. Sorry it took so long for us to come visit your blog, our Mom is a terrible secretary.

Sam said...

Oh goodness! I'm sorry I didn't see this post until now. I have a friend with pretty severe diabetes (if that's the right way to say it) and I know that things can get really funky when his blood gets out of whack. Hoping for a good update soon.

Lorenza said...

Guero, Coco Chanel, Brink, Bella and Lucky!
I am so sorry to hear you Dad is at the hospital!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for him!
I hope everything will be ok and he will be at home soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh no! Your daddy is in the hospitals. We have crossed our paws and we are sending doggy prayers so your daddy can get better,
We will wait right here for you. Don't worry about us.

Sunshade said...

Dear pibble pack,

My toes and muscle thighs are crossed that you daddy will be all better and be able to come home to you guys soon. You do all look so sad.....wish I could help....

We are thinking of you and your mommi, and sending LOTS of Aire-Zen (very powerful stuff).

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Cocorue said...

oooh, don't worry about posting.....take care of your dadster and when you have the time, do drop by as i have an award waiting for you

chikisses and hug your mumster really hard too

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Oh pibbles, we're so sorry to hear about your daddy. Mom and I hope he is better soon and gets to come home to your pibble kisses and hugs.

Sendings lots of luv,
Cloud and his mom

Dog Foster Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope he is feeling better and can come home to Lucky and the rest of you soon!

♥ Sallie said...

Wishing your dad feels better soon!

Audrey the Photographer Dog said...

Oh no. That sounds scary. I'm so sorry to read that especially my first time to visit. Will be back soon for hopefully happier posts. Give mom lots of cuddles in the meantime!

pibble said...

We're all thinking of your daddy and we hope he's much better very soon!