**dearest friends, today we would like to shows you one of our furry most favorite bloggy post about our wee lucky. this posts shows you just how FEARLESS our wee lucky was ALWAYS. and we fink it would have been a great mango minster entry had she still been here dont have fink? for the adventure category?? well anywoo, please do sit back and enjoy this most FEARLESS adventure our wee lucky had....please to be warned....its quite the scaries and you might want to cuddle wiff your mommish while reading this.....**
hewo everyfurry
wee lucky here taking ofur for my sicky shister bewootiful bella
she ish shtill feeling a bit down what wiff the meddies and the ouchie they gave her so she asked if her woggie nanny nurse could take ofurs for her friday post .
wee lucky here taking ofur for my sicky shister bewootiful bella
she ish shtill feeling a bit down what wiff the meddies and the ouchie they gave her so she asked if her woggie nanny nurse could take ofurs for her friday post .
i shlowly pawed over to the evidence and scene of thish crime to sniff out any possible culprits
could it be the CHUPACABRAS??? or maybe NESSIE'S wittle shishter???? TWEE RAT ALIEN'S ??? YIKES!!! . oh dear i fear i have pooped a little wiff the scaries. . . .
mommish felt my shivery fear and pick me right up and did'nt put me down lest the sea monshter found me most scrumptious
now that would explain why our daddish did'nt catch any fishy's
the monshter is probably feasting on all the water fishie's and what not
that ish all for now my dear woggie furryends
reporting live from woggie pibble house
wee sugars and wee wags
divison: the wee ones
That was a brave investigation & most scary indeed!!
I remember this and how fearless Lucky always was. Lucky and Tiger always made me think how we could possibly have our own wee one in our house one day.
Lucky was very brave! It just goes to show - little dogs are just as brave as big dogs!
Your pal, Pip
Proof PAWSitive that Lucky was totally Fearless right from the git go. I do remember this post.. It was truly Scary.. and If I had not had Lucky to take me along.. I would have POOPED a HOOOOOGE Pile.. and probably never have gone another step.
Oh deew fwiends
This made me all sadewest wemembewing how absolutely feewless little Lucky was..I could use him now in this new place I'm living..it's totally dawk in the hallways of ouw building befowe Mommi finds the light clickew(which only stays on fow a little while). I think I will ask angel Lucky to help me be bwave when I go fow my evening walkies
I know he is still just as bwave in heave and could watch ovew me as well as all of you
Smoochie kisses
I remembers dat post Lucky did. Not only did her Pibble training come in handy but her doxie genes too...made her fearless.
I miss sweet Lucky...and so does Albert
you are a brave little one to investigate like that! and its a good thing your mommy was there to keep you safe!
Hugs & <3
Coco The Princess
Lucky was brave to the end!
Lucky was indeed fearless but then again she was a GIRL!! We have two wee ones here, Issa and Duffy and we have to say they are both fearless and adorable just like wee Lucky was.And gosh, how cute was she in that little dress?!!
She's probably organizing fashion shows up there in heaven with all that cuteness and style!You go girl!
the critters in The Cottage xo :)
Oh I remembers how scary this was when I read it before. And, I do remember how fearless Lucky was!
I was very scared to read this again, but I did.
You are so right. Lucky was fearless.
I think there was nothing too scary for her.
I agree- now that she is an angel.. we can ask her to help us when we get scared.
What a brave girl her was. Miss you sweet Lucky...
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Oh, little fearless Lucky. I remember this post and that cute little outfit. What a sweet little pup. And VERY brave, too!
What a beautiful brave dog little Lucky was .. and still is in Heaven. Sending lotsa love. xx
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