Saturday, May 29, 2010

magical mr froggy

well howdy there eveWEEbody, lucky here.

so as some of you guys know yesterday was my last ouchie appointment wiff the ouchie doctor. ash you can shee even if i's to go out for not so good tings i's to look full of the cutie patooty-ness just in case their ish some pawllywood agent round bout who ish looking for the next big woggie staw. i pawsonally fink i would be a great micaela and would take right ofur megan fox's spot in the next transformers movie. but whywoo thats another stowy. so we went to get my ouchie taken care of and i's to hope furry much hawd that i's to never get those evil worms again. i was furry much full of the frar-y shivers butt shince mommish was there and talking sweet nothings to me i's to calm down and trust her. so guess what???? ash some of woo may know I lucky, also known as lucky charm, better known as the wee lucky penny am sorta a daddish girl. he wuvs me so and tells me most everytime. well when we got home from the ouchie doctor he had a big o surrprrise for the wee one. my furry own magical mr froggy. !!!!!!!!

eveWEEbody please to meet magical MR froggy
. daddish shays that magical mr froggy ish full of the stardusty magicals and has healin powers from beyond the unicorn field and he's to take care of all the ouchies that his favorite girl has. that made my heart full of the warm fuzzies for my daddish and im sure all the wormies got pushed out right away.

ash you can shee i's to luv my magical mr froggy and i's feeling well furry much soon. magical mr froggy was furry much soft to lay on and he told me secret stowies of woggie fairies who fly around the unicorn fields collecting healing dust and carry them to the sparkling waterfalls where the the magical froggies are waiting to weceive their shpecial healing powers and soon are sent off on their missions to take the cares of the sick woggies such as myself they are furry impawtant to our wecovewy. my daddish knew it would help me and brings me the conforts i need and i's love my daddish for loving me.

i must say that i luv my life and am furry much LUCKY indeed.

wee wiggles and lucky sugars to all


division:the wee ones

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

wee vet pupdate

hewo there everydoggie and everykitty brinksey winksey here wiff our wee pupdate post ,
coco chanel queen of all the furry universe was kind enough to lets me takes the over to give you a pupdate on ouw lucky charm.
yesterday and today we took her to the ouchie doctow and he gave her a shot each day for the last set of heartworm tweatments. we must weport that she was a furry brave girl and did'nt even cry too much. she was looking at mommish the whole time and she was talking softly to her. she does'nt feel to well as you can imagen but i's to take the cares of the wee one along wiff bella.
we will keep you guys posted more tomowow . they gaves her some ouchie medicine for the pain and that seems to have helped . we have special pictures of her spacial froggy that she loves to cuddle wiff in her kennel but blogger was sicky too and did'nt let ush upload it. we shall try again tomowow but we pawmise you guys will loves it. mr froggy has been luckys furryend shince she came to lives at the woggie pibble house and she seems to takes the comfort in mr froggy.
im off now to takes a look at the wee one and makes the sure that shee is warm enuff. i pawmised bella no tooting near the wee one for the next month of so. i paw swore so i's to take it furry sewiously and only toot when mommish ish around
tee hee

wiff rolly polly luv and brinksey winksey love nibbles

thankful tuesday

hewo there coco chanel queen of all the furry universe and guero the most hanshum model ever to be ish here to pwesent ouw frankie furter most pawsome gifts.
we even have a shpecial tweat for you guys. ouw furry own video yeah!!!!!!! thish ish coco chanel furry much exciteables to open her pwesent.mommish loves when me and coco chanel gets pressies wrapped cause we know how to open them. it makes her giggle.
we learned it longs times ago when we were wee's and started to get chwistmas pressies from our mommish.
look it here!!! look it here!!!! behold your most royal doggie stuffy!!!!

up next we spy gueros pressie

can you shee the cracker dog crazed look in his eyes when he heard he had his furry own pressie??? teehee

guero : got it !!!! im out !!!!!

befow we shows you ouw video we would like to take a moment to fank our furry bestest furryend ever to be frankie furter love of the pibble pack. your most thoughtfulness thoughts make ush feel the warmness in our pibble heawts and we ruff you too much.
pibble sugars to all

Tuesday, May 25, 2010



You have a special place Dear Lord that I know you'll always keep
A special place reserved for dogs when they quietly fall asleep
With large and airy kennels and a yard for hiding bones
With maybe a little babbling creek that chatters over stones.
With wide green fields and flowers for those who never knew
about running freely under Your sky of perfect blue.
Lord,I know You keep this Special Place And so to you I Pray,
For one Special Golden angel Who quietly died today
He was full of strength & love and so very, very wise.
The puppy look he once had Had long since left his eyes.
He is dearly missed my Lord By a very good friend of mine.
He went to join his ancestors To Your land that is Devine
So, speak to Maxdog softly please And give him a warm hello.
He's a Special gift to you Dear Lord From Caryl, who loved him so.

(the poem above has been modified to have names changed for dearest maxdog)

dearest furryends our most loveable kiss-a-bull furryend took his trip to the rainbow bridge today to wait for us there and watch ofur ush.we were so increadibly heartbroken to hear these news this mowning and our eyes leaked for a long time as we read his mommish's bewootiful poem she made for him.but then we brushed off the tears and wemembered that he is no longer wiff ush butt.he ish also pain free at the bridge.suwounded by all our deawest loved angels.being showned around as we speak, all the bewooty that the bridge provides. we immediately sent a message to our angel brofur chico so he can show maxdog where the trees are that grow treats and chocolates . cause you see, up there they get to eat as much of that heavenly chocolaty treat as they want.please to stop by his mommish's if you have'nt already and send her you sugars in this time of grief.we love you max and we shall lay together again one day like we did when you visited us on your grand tour.if we can all take a moment tonight and look up at the sky for our wonderful bright star.we shall all unite for our beloved max one last time the way he always united the world wiff his soulful eyes and huge heart.

run free maxdog
we love you

Monday, May 24, 2010

***Wee're Back ****

hewo there everyfurry boy we have misshed you guys furry much so and we are furry glad to be back to our bloggyland. after much snoopervising of the pawrents and our move in we are glad to come back to our normal lives of sharing our 'ventures wiff our furryends.ash you can see from the picture below we have been woiking furry much hard all this time and deserve much needed tummy rubs and tweats after all our help.yesterday mommish comes in and shays "hey guys guess what arrived in the mail?" well dog gone it we got our first mail pressie at our new home. our dearest and bestest of furryend whom all of bloggy land must already know frankie furter had sent ush a welcome home pressie . can you beweive that. that frankie furter is always the most thoughtful furryend ever to be to everyone and we were so filled wiff the warm and fuzzys we coud'nt wait to open the boxie. we are going to do thish in two pawts cause their ish just so many pictures but lets get stawted on wiff the show. ash you can shee each pressie was individually wrapped for each of ush which we thought was uber coo-lee-o .

a tiger for the tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tiger immediately sneaked off to the laundry room to have some private play time wiff his tiger. everyfurryone thought that was the purrfect toy for the weeone.

lucky was most wiggly to find out that some of frankie furters furs came wiff her package and bellas too. wee immediatly made the mommish takes it off and puts in in our scrapbook and his bewootimus note which we shall show tomowow.

i shmell some fun stuff in here mommish i . . .must . . . . open . . .now. . .

oh yea!!! jackpot !!!!!
bitey butt!! bitey butt!!

my turn!!!! my turn!!!!!

nommy nom nom ish a bubble gum stuffy!!! oh boy !!! oh boy!!!! greatness !!! and most funfilled stuffy!!!!

brinksey winksey's pressie ish next

he insisted he wanted to model wiff it . can you shee how happish that face ish???

even happier when he opened his toy . its a rough and rugged toy for the rough and rugged and most muscle guy brinksey winksey pudding pie

we cannot thank frankie furter enuff for making our move even most better than the evers to be. you made our move super sweet just like you . we ruff you and we send you extra slobbery pibble kisses just for you. and to all of woo we are furry much exciteables to hear all thats been goings on while we were away . we hopes we did'nt miss too much and we are happish to be back.

wiff lotsa wee wiggles and pibble kisses

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

bittersweet move out

hewo everyfurry the pibble pack here wiff some news to share wiff ya'll
we are officially home owners!!!! finally after months and months and months off worryness we get to have our furry own home. tiger ish especially happish because its less than 5 mins from his bewootiful girlfurryend mona. unfortunately mommish weceived the sad news that our dearest mona has the sickies and and ouchie called a mast cell tumor. we were so furry much sad to hear about this and it made our mommish cry cause she was furry much worried. our candle will continue to light for our sweetest neighbor. we just know mona will be fine but please to keep her in your prayers and cross all paws for her purrty pibble please.
pics of our new home to come soon. if you'd like our new snail mail addy please to shoot ush a peemail and we'll be happish to give it to you's.
we might not be able to visit you guys's bloggys for the next coupla days as we are going to snoopervise all the moving of our shtuff and what not. but we'll get to you guys ash shoon as possible.oh and one more ting. lucky wants to tell albert she thinks he ish the handshumness of the handshum's . we dont know where all that ish coming from but anywoo. lotsa smooches and pibble sugars coming your way, did ya get em????

Thursday, May 13, 2010

coco chanels thoughtful thursday:the origins , our angel

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wordless wednesday: taking cares of the sick wee one

(note:for any knew followers lucky is undergoing heartworm treatment and since she took care of bella when she was going through the treatment now bella is lookin out for her )

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

monday blah's

hewo there evefurry body .brinksey winksey here chief and commander of the PTO Society and all that ish meaty. not to be confused wiff coco chanel who ish queen to all that ish furry. just sayin'
anywoo . . .. i's decided to cure your monday blah's by showering you wiff my most cutie patooty piksures i hope that ish ok wiff ya'll do you likey my tshirt. ish suppose to be for tiger from our pibble angels ina in alaska BUTT shince i've been on a D-I-ET and furry much think that i've lost weight i puts in on to check my progress . what do ya'll tink??? do i looks slimmer??? does the shirt fit me most muscle guy and handshumness???

say the trooff i's most cuteness and slim shady wiff this picture

what about this angle??????

dear woggie god. please to make brinksey winksey most fit and trim . if that ish too much to ask please to make guero most chubbyness. tee hee hee

most slobbery and chunky munkey pibble sugars,
brinksey winksey puddin pie