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hewo there coco chanel queen of all the furry universe and guero the most hanshum model ever to be ish here to pwesent ouw frankie furter most pawsome gifts.we even have a shpecial tweat for you guys. ouw furry own video yeah!!!!!!!
thish ish coco chanel furry much exciteables to open her pwesent.mommish loves when me and coco chanel gets pressies wrapped cause we know how to open them. it makes her giggle. we learned it longs times ago when we were wee's and started to get chwistmas pressies from our mommish.
Happy tails!
Thanks fur sharing those great pressies with us!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
What great pressies! And a super-duper movie. We NEED popcorn!
I love the tails wiggling through out the whole video. You guys are such a great breed... enjoy your pressies!
Deewest Coco Chanel Queen of all the Oonivewse and handsomest model Guewo,
whew, that's a moufful, hehehe
anyway, I loved seeing you playing and opening youw fantaboolous giftses fwom youw evew so special fwiend Fwankie Fuwtew.
He is obviously a dawling genewous lovepup
hope you keep having fun wif the toyses.
smoochie kisses to all of you at Pittiepackville
my beloved pibbles--i was so very happy to see you two playing and running with your new toys--hoorah hoorah for stuffys~!! :D
that was fun watching :D
love the pressies
El'bow & Hauwii
Hi my Tiger,
You just make me blush and get so excited whenever I read your loving words. I can't wait to see you againh Mommy said she drove by Gulfbank and thought of you.
Mommy is gonna be home for 4 days and except for Fridy we'll be home all by ourselves catching up on some more snuggling.
Look at those waggin tails and smilin' faces!
That Franky is a super weenerman!
Too funny just like children they want what the other child is playing with every time!!!
Great video.
Madi and Mom
Your new Back Yard is WONDERFUL. I know it will be all filled with fun and suger and love and pittie and wee happiness.
Your video is grrrreat.
Glad that you liked the pressies.
And the bestest part is... there will never be a hassle in your Castle.
Great presents! Loved the video!
Hehehehe...I soooo love that pikture of Guero. I looooves da video too, it's always fun to my furiends in da flesh but not really in real know what I mean.
A movie with Guero has Halle all quivery with lovies!! Very nice yard and Frankie Flirter is a great furiend!!xoxo
That was so fun to watch woo guys! You guys got awesome pressies!
Watch those tails! They were movin' so fast!
Keep Smilin'!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
That is fantastic!
They look so happy!
And how'd you get such pretty, green grass in TEXAS??
That was a great action movie for sure. Looks like you got some fun loot.
SQUEE! I luved, luved, luved your movie. It was very much great to see you in ACTION! You sure did have a lotta happiness going on. Big smiles and wagging tails. It made ME wag just watching. I'm glad you luved your pressies so much. Frankie Furter is the bestest (besides you all of course)!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. If you gets a chance, stop by my bloggie and take a guess at my dee-en-ay. I'm raising green papers for a rescue that saved lots of pittie bulls from that hateful B.S. Hell guy in Denver.
What PAWESOME pressies guys...and what a B-I-G backyard you all have!!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Happy pups and wagging tails - great pressies from Frankie. We loved seeing your video and hearing your mom's sweet voice.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sharing is so over-rated sometimes :)
wow you two sure are wiggly!
woof - Tucker
Now that is some rip-roaring enthusiasm!
You guys get the coolest presents!
I can't wait until I can rip open a present! Mom found your blog through some other pup bloggers - she told me a story about how before she got me, she has fallen in love with a white pit, but was very allergic and had to be talked out of adopting her several times. Mom's especially allergic to short hair, like pit pull hair. Hopefully we can be blog buddies!
Daisy Mae
YAY for more totally awesome pressies from mr. frankie!!
i can tell from your video that you have a SUPER DUPER COOL backyard to run around in!! :)))
the booker man
pee s -- guess what! me and asa and mama got everythingie together for your package, and we are going to the post office tomorrow!
Hi Pibbles,
Wowzer! You got some terrific pressies from your furiend. Loved the video.
Thank you for all your good vibes - they helped - Paddy should be coming home today! Those were great pressies - and we liked the video - those are some pretty long tails wip waggin' away!
You look so happy in the video!!!! Those are such nice pressies and we love that look in Guero's eyes!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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