hewo everyfurry bella the primpcessh here
i's to be feeling much better and would like to shay thank you to all my bloggin angels who pwayed for my health when i had the ouchies. my wittle sissy lucky had her heartworm tweatment this past thursday and so she will have to be looked after for the next coupla weeks.
i's to take it upon my primpcess shelf to takes the care of the wee sissy caush shee took care of the big primpcessh. i's to give her lotsa healing sugars and to always keep her warm at night and share my tweats wiff her too.

another ting i would like to shay ish that alotta of furry ends around the blogsphere are furry sickie wight now and would like for all of ush to come together and please to pray for good and better health for ush woggies. haleigh anne brinksey winksey's girlfurryend has been having a tough time wiff all the water in nashville and please to send some good luck vibes to them ash well so the water recedes. brinksey ish at thish moment trying to convince mommish to teach him how to swim so he can go to her wescue. so many woggies furryends (coco luna's sissy , our dear squirrel hunter dory, frankie and linguini, our love maxdog and our new furryend digby, samick dearest, tigers love mona , wee lorenza, our lucky charm lucky luke) in need of our good thoughts and prayers mommish ish lighting a shpecial candle for all of you tonight and we are going to pray furry hard.
i furry much love all of you and am thinking about you
pto society
division:the primpcess
We're glad to hear you're feeling better and we have our paws crossed for Miss Lucky!
Thanks fur the pawesome pupdate!
Hi, Bella!
I am so happy to know you are feeling much better!
You are so nice now taking good care of Lucky! I hope she is going to be fine too!
Please, don't worry about me! I had a little cough that a "mean shot" took away... thankfully!
I have my paws crossed and my mom is praying for all our friends who are not doing so well.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Deaw sweet Pwimpcess Bella
You have no idea how happy making it is that you awe bettew. i will now pway fow youw little Lucky. i know that wif youw genewous , wawmf and cawe she will be all wight soonest. Mommi and I have been tewwibully sad wecently wif so many of ouw fwiends so gwavely ill..I hate the many things huwting all fuwwfwiends and theiw families.
stay safe and well bootiful pwimpces and give my smoochie kisses to all youw bwuvvews and sissies
Miss Bella, I am so glad that you are feeling better. Yes, with so many friends it always seems like some doggie is in distress and in need of our good vibes.
Oh Beautiful Bella,
We are so very glad you are feeling better. You are such a wonderful big sister to take care of Lucky during her recooperating. And we are crossing everything we have over here that our doggin friends in need get better.
Miss Bella I am so muches happy you is feeling all betters. That treatment can really suck. We will be prayering fur Miss Lucky too. It's a good thing her has you to take care of hers...whwew!
Thanks fur posting abouts some of this furiends...some I was unaware of was sick...I must go checks on them.
I hope everyone feels better soon!
We are going to adopt your candle idea and send healing sugars to all of our ailing buddies worldwide. Our candle will represent all those dogs who are sick and need to get better. Our candle will also represent our hugs and love sent to all the moms, dads and wee ones who want them to get better.
We love you Pibbles, and thank you Princess Bella for the update.
Halle sends special lovies to her Guero for a special birthday!! xoxoxo
Hey there Bella
Glad you are feeling a little better. Sending healing vibes your way too! Thanks for all your concern and care too.
Glad you are feeling better! I hope Miss Lucky feels better real soon too!
We're so glad you're feeling better, and will continue to keep you and your sister in our thoughts. We agree, there are lots of sickies going around the blog world right now, we hope that everyone gets better soon.
Bella - I am so very much glad you are feeling betters. I think I musta missed out on something cuz I didn't know that Lucky had to haves the heartworm treatment, too. I will keep all my paws crossed that she gets better lickity-split!
Thank you ever so much for posting about all the doggies that need our Most Pawsitive Thoughts right now. Goodness! I hates it when other furry furends gets the sickies.
Wiggles & Wags,
O, the Bella... I am so very happy that you are feelin better! I know you will take real good care of the Lucky... and please know she will be in my prayers!
I am feelin much better now wif the great fanks to you for keepin me in your foughts and prayers! And all ways know that your comments make me smile!
wif love from the Luke
We're glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm sure you'll be taking great care of Lucky also.
Bella we are so glad you are feeling better! WE are going to send lots of purrs and prayers to Lucky now so she is better too! And we are sending lots of purrs to all your sick friends - some we are friends with too, and some we haven't met, but we want everyone to get better soon!!
miss bella!
i am so very happy that you are feeling the betterment!! this is grrreat news. i will keep thinking the good thoughts for miss lucky to get rid of those heartwormies. ick.
the booker man
So happy that you are feeling better.
Thank you so much for mentioning my brother Samick.
We are thinking of all the fur babies out there that are not feeling 100% right now.
Definitely sending good thoughts to all those in need.
We hope everyone is feeling better soon. Sending good vibes to everyone!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
I'm so glad you are feeling better Bella, it must be my handsome photo that helped make you better.
woof - Tucker
Sorry to hear you have been sick. Hope you are all better soon!
Great job recovering Bella!!! Now just be ready for the pawty and eat lots!!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
you're right, there are lots of sick pups right now. Its very sad
We are so grateful you are in such good loving hands and have a wonderful family who loves you so much.
Haleigh asked that you give her hero Brinksey a big, fat, super-slobbery kiss.
It was a scary time here at the Krabacher Woggie House and we are very grateful we were all spared the wreckage of the Cumberland River.
Our neighbors were not so fortunate, but we are all working together to get things back to normal.
On a good note. No woggies here off Pennington Bend were hurt. Thank God! Everyone is safe and accounted for.
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