anywoo . . .. i's decided to cure your monday blah's by showering you wiff my most cutie patooty piksures i hope that ish ok wiff ya'll
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
monday blah's
hewo there evefurry body .brinksey winksey here chief and commander of the PTO Society and all that ish meaty. not to be confused wiff coco chanel who ish queen to all that ish furry. just sayin'
anywoo . . .. i's decided to cure your monday blah's by showering you wiff my most cutie patooty piksures i hope that ish ok wiff ya'll
do you likey my tshirt. ish suppose to be for tiger from our pibble angels ina in alaska BUTT shince i've been on a D-I-ET and furry much think that i've lost weight i puts in on to check my progress . what do ya'll tink??? do i looks slimmer??? does the shirt fit me most muscle guy and handshumness???
anywoo . . .. i's decided to cure your monday blah's by showering you wiff my most cutie patooty piksures i hope that ish ok wiff ya'll
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you are looking so much fitter to me!
You are furry handsome in your shirt - we think it fits you nicely :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
You are looking so handsome in your t-shirt. Thank you for unblahing my Monday with all your cuteness. After I saved my mom from that nasty stick this morning things got a little boring around here.....until now :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS I thinks you guys were right about the evil twee rats, they are filled with the sneakyness!
Brinksy! Most definitely lookin fine in that muscle shirt! If you did not already have a Standard Poodle girl friend, I'd have to ask you out *blush* Just sayin is all.
What you call evil tree rats, I call tree lobsters...Yes they are evil,(oh the things they say as they taunt!) but I just KNOW they would taste GREAT!!!
Woo are looking mighty shapely and toned!
I thought woo would like Baja!
Mom is sorry she didn't get to spend more time with him but Mary and Marie were already running late -
He really liked me - he kept khoming ovFUR to me!
He was such a pawesome kholour too!
You look so KOOL in that shirt.
Look at your fit body.
WOWEEE my friend.
Yup your cute alright!
You look grrrreat!
So slim and more handsome than ever!
Kisses and hugs
I think the patron saint of chubbiness is Saint Nicolas! :)
Brinks, I think you look most handsome! Don't worry about a thing!
Hi Guys,
Hope you perk up tomorrow.
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
So very handsome!
You are so totally skinny! looking GOOD!
you Are looking good, gorgeous and your furiends would keeeel for That Bod!!!
You are one handsome pibble!!
Oh yea, you is looking fiiiine!!!!
You is looking all svelte in that muskel shirt. Have you been doing pushups too? Just wondering cuz it looks like it. Ths iis gonna makes mum's day cuz well, her ain't too happy bout going to her civic duty...heheehe! Her said it was a rather boring case
Your shirt still looks a bit snug. Must be all your muscles.
that definately helped!
You are just so funny, Brinksey - we love you for that. We think you look great in that shirt, very trim and handsome.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi Brinks! You are looking most handsome and stylish in that tee shirt! You would make a most excellent sled dog ambassador! Maybe next March you can come and hang with the sled dogs!! Sharing clothes with your Pibbles and Wees is always a good thing!
Guero must not gain any weight says Halle!! Please let us know when you have a new address because Guero's pressie is waiting to come to your house!!!
Many happy huggies to all and especially to Guero from his Lady Halle xoxoxoxo
Lookin' good, my friend!
We love the last picture!!!
Hope you are all well.
Madi and Mom
Likin' the muscle shirt - it shows off your big shoulders! I myself keep fit with all the agilities, so I can suggest some jumping/climbing/weaving can work wonders on one's physique (note that most Frenchies have no waist, and I'm slim & trim!). Bullies ain't just lap dogs, ya' know? Just a thought :)
Brutus the Frenchie
you're looking real good, handsome! ;) i don't see any chubs, just lots of pibble muscle!
Brinksey Winksey - you KNOW you are lookin' real good! If anybuddy can wears a muscle shirt, you can! Did you go outside and struts your stuff for the ladies? Did they coo and sigh?
Your lady luv sure is lucky!
Wiggles & Wags,
It looks like a great muscle-T. Just be sure to flex when the ladies pass by.
Ihurt myself I'm laughing so hard!
Oh my God that is HILARIOUS!!
Hold on... let me catch my breath...
Brinksey you are my most favoritest ever.
You do look the most handsome in your new t-shirt. Haleigh will be so happy to see your new pictures!
And your mommish put you on a D-I-E-T??
Poor pibble.
Don't feel bad, Little Miss Priss Haleigh Anne is going to be on one soon too.
OMD, Brinksey! You look SO furry handsome! Is dis what they call a man crush???
Cuty pa-toot-y is a good term to describe both this post and your pack. All angles adorable. Loove the tight shirt, shows off all the musculature and the pawesome physique
Brinksy, I hardly recognized you!! You are getting ever so trim and hunky!!
To look slimmer, it's always good to stand next to the chunky monkey.
You look great in your new shirt for sure!
Buddy you're now chunky... YOU are Hunky!! Grrreat look in that muscley shirt!!!
Hi Brinksey Winksey you are too cute. I love the freckels on your snouter. I'd have to see my Tiger in that shirt, he looks prime to me, not overweight at all.
Mommy and I can't wait until you guys move so we can all visit together. I could use some sugar from my Tiger right about now.
No news from the doctor yet.
brinksey--i do not understand why you keep saying you needs to lose weight. you look fine to me. maybe your mum washed your shirt in the wrong water and it shrunk??
Brinskey we think that you look so super cute in your shirt! We think you are such a totally handsome guy!!
HIya! I'm Teal'c from Sydney. I have just found your blog via Frankie Furter blog :)
You look cool in that shirt... But my mum says it might be a bit tight around the hip?! ;)
Slobbers Teal'c
I like your black t-shirt! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
brinks! you look good, dude!! you are ripplin' with the muscles. :)
the booker man
OK I have read this blog entry like 10 times now because it just cracks me up every time!
Brinksey Winksey you are a hot mess!
You know you really should print off all your blogs and see if you could get them published into a pibble book.
The PTO Society is hilarious and it would be great to have all your antics and fantastically funny pictures in a book.
I'm just sayin'...
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