hewo there everyfurry boy we have misshed you guys furry much so and we are furry glad to be back to our bloggyland. after much snoopervising of the pawrents and our move in we are glad to come back to our normal lives of sharing our 'ventures wiff our furryends.ash you can see from the picture below we have been woiking furry much hard all this time and deserve much needed tummy rubs and tweats after all our help.yesterday mommish comes in and shays "hey guys guess what arrived in the mail?" well dog gone it we got our first mail pressie at our new home. our dearest and bestest of furryend whom all of bloggy land must already know frankie furter had sent ush a welcome home pressie . can you beweive that. that frankie furter is always the most thoughtful furryend ever to be to everyone and we were so filled wiff the warm and fuzzys we coud'nt wait to open the boxie.
we are going to do thish in two pawts cause their ish just so many pictures but lets get stawted on wiff the show. ash you can shee each pressie was individually wrapped for each of ush which we thought was uber coo-lee-o .
a tiger for the tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tiger immediately sneaked off to the laundry room to have some private play time wiff his tiger. everyfurryone thought that was the purrfect toy for the weeone.

lucky was most wiggly to find out that some of frankie furters furs came wiff her package and bellas too. wee immediatly made the mommish takes it off and puts in in our scrapbook and his bewootimus note which we shall show tomowow.

i shmell some fun stuff in here mommish i . . .must . . . . open . . .now. . .

oh yea!!! jackpot !!!!! bitey butt!! bitey butt!!

my turn!!!! my turn!!!!!

nommy nom nom ish a bubble gum stuffy!!! oh boy !!! oh boy!!!! greatness !!! and most funfilled stuffy!!!!

brinksey winksey's pressie ish next

he insisted he wanted to model wiff it . can you shee how happish that face ish???
even happier when he opened his toy . its a rough and rugged toy for the rough and rugged and most muscle guy brinksey winksey pudding pie
we cannot thank frankie furter enuff for making our move even most better than the evers to be. you made our move super sweet just like you . we ruff you and we send you extra slobbery pibble kisses just for you. and to all of woo we are furry much exciteables to hear all thats been goings on while we were away . we hopes we did'nt miss too much and we are happish to be back.
tiger immediately sneaked off to the laundry room to have some private play time wiff his tiger. everyfurryone thought that was the purrfect toy for the weeone.
lucky was most wiggly to find out that some of frankie furters furs came wiff her package and bellas too. wee immediatly made the mommish takes it off and puts in in our scrapbook and his bewootimus note which we shall show tomowow.
i shmell some fun stuff in here mommish i . . .must . . . . open . . .now. . .
oh yea!!! jackpot !!!!! bitey butt!! bitey butt!!
my turn!!!! my turn!!!!!
nommy nom nom ish a bubble gum stuffy!!! oh boy !!! oh boy!!!! greatness !!! and most funfilled stuffy!!!!
brinksey winksey's pressie ish next
he insisted he wanted to model wiff it . can you shee how happish that face ish???
Welkhome Bakhk!
What a great khollekhtion of pressies Frankie sent!
He's khwite a pawesome shoppper!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
What wonderful welcome gifts! I am so glad the family is in the new home, what a relief. Please send your new address to me so I can finally send out a gift! We are so behind over here! Much love to all the babies and parents.
Well, I'm glad that you made it back! We've missed you more than tv!!
pibbles and wees--i missed you furry much~!! i am so happy to see that you are back~!! :)
your furend is so nice--you all deserve such great presents~!!!! :D
That Frankie is one great weener-friend!
What pawsome house warming pressies!
Glad you are back,
Yay you is back! I has missed all of you! Those are such nice pressies, it looks like you thinks so too! Frankie is such a good furiend to sends them to you.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Congratulations on your new house and the great presents!
Good to know you are all moved and settling in. Welcome back, we missed our furiends.
What a great guy that Frankie is - pawesome gifts for all of you. It looks like he picked the pawfect gift for each of you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sooooo glad ya'll is back and I hope ya'll is enjoying your new home. Wow, isn't Frankie just da bestest and mom-o-man he sure knows how to shop. I know ya'll are going to enjoy everything he gots ya'll.
waaaw look at those pressies :D
wanna chere with us ?
El'bow & Hauwii
Hooray! Nice to have you back! Frankie sent some wonderful pressies! Tiger, Lucky, and Brinksey Winksey look wonderful! We will be excited to see Guero, Coco Chanel and Bella soon. Halle says she will send Guero's very late birthday pressie out this week. She was adding some extra kisses to the package. She was waiting for you to emerge from the settling in to the happy new home before mailing it. We love you all and are so happy for all of you. We spied your wood and tile floors in the pictures. Those are the bestest!! xoxoxoxo
Oh Boy... you are all back!! I missed you sooooo much. I really missed your pibble sugars.
AND... look how grrrreat your blog looks!!! Super and perfect for you.
I am glad that you liked your pressies. Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.
Now you can RASSEL IN YOUR CASTLE!!! I'm just sayin'.
I was getting so worried about you that I almost sent out a search party! Glad you are back! GREAT presents! Enjoy!
What thoughtful and appropriate gifts. And great housewarming presents.
Yippee! I'm so very much glad you're back! I think that Frankie Furter is something else - sending you those most wonderful housewarming pressies! I bet it made living in your new house even BETTER!
Haves a good time with your new toys and lets me know if you need any help with the destuffing!
Wiggles & Wags,
Man! What a haul Dudes and Dudettes!!!! OH yeah, happy new house pawrents. Whoa the toys!!!!!!! COOL>
Glad you are back.
Sunny&Scooter (Sunny wants to know, is Brinksy SURE he is in a committed relationship?????? Just askin is all)
Glad to have you back, we missed you.
Wow, check out all those cool presents!
glad to hear the move went well! What awesome gifts
What wonderful pressies!!!!! Frankie is the bestest present picker EVER!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Frankie is a grand shpper! He has great toy taste.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
& Uncle Puppy
that mr. frankie! what a guy!!
those are super awesome pressies! i can't wait to see part 2. :)
oh, and gratsers on the new house!! i'm super glad you are all settled in now.
the booker man
What great house warming gifts for you guys! I am glad you are in the new house and getting settled.
Brinksey Winksey is such a ham!
How do you get him to pose like that?
I just love his big, ole goofy face!
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