coco chanel queen of all the furry universe was kind enough to lets me takes the over to give you a pupdate on ouw lucky charm.
yesterday and today we took her to the ouchie doctow and he gave her a shot each day for the last set of heartworm tweatments. we must weport that she was a furry brave girl and did'nt even cry too much. she was looking at mommish the whole time and she was talking softly to her. she does'nt feel to well as you can imagen but i's to take the cares of the wee one along wiff bella.
tee hee
wiff rolly polly luv and brinksey winksey love nibbles
Oh no...hope she feels better.
Oh we are sad that Lucky is feeing crummy BUT we are glad that it is the last set of shots - that means she will feel better soon! It is great that you are all taking such good care of her - what a wonderful family you all are! We are sending Lucky lots of purrs and prayers to feel better very soon! We can't wait to see the Mr Froggy pictures!!
Awww....what cute pictures of the 2 of you! I have been a little out of touch lately but I think I'm caught up now and I sure am glad the wee one is feeling blue today but at least you are there (along with the froggy) to help!
I'm very much glad you luvs little Lucky so much and are taking such very very good care of her! She's a Most Special little girl,that's for sure!
I've got all four paws crossed that she feels all better real soon!
Wiggles & Wags,
I very much remember the day Lucky "ADOPTED" your dadish (when he took grandma to get her kitty)and made him to know that her little self was in need of a big strong guy and a loving pack.
I am still very much surprised that ANY of you would have heartworms. You have such HOOOGE hearts... butt they are all so filled with LOVES that I am stunned that there was one tiny bit of room for a worm.
Butt, the good news is that all Worms are gone so now there is only the Love and Kindness left.
Brinksy Winksy I know you will take care of Little Lucky.. and that if you need to Toot... one of the others will watch over her recovery while you go... out to TOOTle about a bit.
I have total confidence in all of you. You are just those kind of furFolks.
Please to give Miss Lucky a little kissy for ME.
I am just so thankful that they have come as far as they have with heartworm treatment. I remember a time where it was so much harder to do than it is now. Thank goodness that Lucky is doing okay. I bet she won't miss those shots!
I hope all is better very soon....
Hurray for the last round of shots! We have our paws crossed that Lucky is feeling better soon!
Awwww , poor Lucky - plese give her some soft snooter smoochies from all of us and we hope she feels better soon. You are all so kind to her.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh my goodness so brave! We hope you fell better Lucky. We sure do love that picture!
Benny & Lily
Thanks fur the weevetpupdate!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
my darling pibbles and wees--i am so glad that lucky is ok and nothing too serious went on at the vets. she truly is BRAVE. i would have been shivering and giving my mum big, sad puppy eyes.
thank you for the report brinksey boo~! and becareful w/ those toots. if only my bully siblings were so considerate. ;)
Oh my Tiger!! I'm cancer free. My test came back negative. I'm still under doctors orders no to jump yet. Mommy said 14 days from when I had the surgery but I think it;s 10 days. Alli vcan say is she better so check,.....Now Mommy.
oH poor little baby Lucky
She did not have a fun day at all.
I am so happy to hear that you are smothering her in all that love and pibble kisses,
She will gets better now, cause the wormys are gone and it is the last shots.
You made me so happy todays cause I got a pressy for you - my sweetest pibble pals forever and ever.
I love you
We hope she feels better, but in the meantime, it looks like she's being very well taken care of.
We is sendin' lot's tender cuddles and kisses to the little one to feel better really and really soon! Come on over and check out the cool 'everyone's a winner' contest we found!
That pic of you two is totally pawsome!
We are so glad it is the last round of shots.
Rest up and have a great looong weekend!
Thanks for the update on Lucky - it looks like you are doing a great job taking care of her Brinks - she is lucky to have you!
Well this just sucks being a day late to post. Sheeez! Anyways, Miss Lucky we are so very prouds of you fur being so strong...but if you want to cry then we'll be here fur ya.
I am just so relieved that you haves your very own built in nursing crew. Everybuddy needs a Brinksy to takes cares of them...I think it will make da healing process come a little quicker.
We are sending all of ours thoughts and doxie vibrations to you Lucky.
Oh Brinksey Winksey and Lady Bella we are so very happy you are giving Lucky your special Pibble Sugars to help help her feel better! We look forward to seeing Mr. Froggy. We were also happy to learn that Miss Mona will be fine. HOORAY!!!!!! xoxoxo
Miss Glamour Puss is waiting at the dock of the Port of Anchorage for her Guero aka Brad Pitt. xoxoxoxoxo
Brinksey Winksey you are so sweet you made my eyes leak.
You are a very kind big brother and I know your Mommish is very proud of you.
Now you know I can't help myself and have to point out that I counted 12, yes 12, puddin rolls, but I guess we should all give you a break because they are doing such a good job making a pillow for your sister. You are a great big brother and I wish I could give you lots of kisses.
We are sending tons and tons of snuggles to Lucky and hope she is all better very soon!!!
Smileys & Snuggles,
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Give Lucky some love from us. We are sending doxie feel good rayz her way.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hey Guys,
Just wanted to come by and say "hi" & sniff sniff. Wishing u all the best with the heartworm treatment. Its not for cissies!
Slobber kisses from Turke.
I am glad she is getting better. They sure have some wonderful potions at the V-E-T.
Hey, I wouldn't go overboard in creating a no fart zone. Don't want to get backed up.
i hope she feels less foggy soon!
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